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Focus on Sound

The leading interactive learning platform for secondary music

Extensive ready-made, reliable and age-appropriate multimedia learning materials for use in the classroom, at home or on the go, with built-in auto-marked assessment to easily demonstrate progress and achievement.
Flexible and affordable.
Used in 1400+ secondary schools and 25 countries.


Free trial Buy now

“Homework has become a musical reality that supports and extends classroom work.”

Mark Aitchison, Head of Music (Droitwich Spa High School)


  • Hundreds of lessons and tests – with whole class display mode
  • Support materials include multimedia encyclopedia of instruments and terminology
  • Content creation tools to build your own lessons and tests
  • Continually expanding shared library of content from the Focus on Sound community


  • Guided self-study – listening, theory, composing and more
  • Learning and revision for GCSE, vocational qualifications and A Level
  • Covers all the main exam boards
  • Key Stage 3 syllabus


  • Unlimited auto-marked listening tests, as well as extended written work for teacher assessment
  • Results available instantly online, exportable to spreadsheets and learning management systems.

Class management

  • Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams integration
  • Intuitive portal for managing students data