My School - My content

Dictionary content you create yourself

In My content you can create any content you like. You can then use it immediately to show to classes on a whiteboard or large screen. For students to use the content on their own you'll need to add it to an assignment.

Content you create will appear in your own Dictionary-> My Content tab. You can present to a class from there.

Here's part of a typical custom content page.


There is guidance on file types, sizes and aspect ratios.

You can provide links to Focus on Sound content or to external web pages.

You can apply standard formatting such as bold, italics etc. For example, if you want to make something bold and red, select the word or phrase, then click the bold button and the red button.

You can add pop-up questions too. Type the question, select it, click 'Popup' and then type the answer in the space.

Here's how your content page might look when finished:


You also have the option to add an image to the text area, like this:


Follow these steps:

  1. Upload a small picture as shown in step 1 in the screenshot below.
  2. Click the image button in the definition text exactly where you want it to appear in the text. The text item [image] will appear in the text as shown.

Focus on Sound Ltd.
c/o Accounts Department
Wise Music Group
14-15 Berners St.
London W1T 3LJ

Focus on Sound is a MusicFirst company - part of the Wise Music group